Once we begin to truly value others’ happiness, if an opportunity arises for us to give others happiness or protect them from suffering, we will be ready to do so. If we are able to nurture a sense of continual readiness to act, we will not miss opportunities to benefit others. Even if we cannot immediately ensure the welfare of all beings, any time we see an opportunity to benefit any particular being, we will be eagerly waiting to act on our compassion. When we notice someone hungry in the street, we will look at once for something to offer them. We will become proactive and start carrying healthy foods to give them, or seek out a local food kitchen to support. As long as we aspire to benefit others, we will continually find opportunities to do so, and happily seize them whenever they present themselves. Thus this aspiration in itself has great significance and actual power.
17th Karmapa
from the book The Heart Is Noble: Changing the World from the Inside Out
translated by Ngodup Tsering Burkhar & Damchö Diana Finnegan
Read a random quote or see all quotes by the 17th Karmapa.
Further quotes from the book The Heart Is Noble:
- Taking delight in your inner nature
- Reality is your teacher
- We need space to grow and learn from our own mistakes
- Interdependent reality
- Protective Inner Wisdom
- The Wealth of Contentment
- Social action
- Life in Balance
- Boxing Love with Our Expectations
- Just Love
- There are no fixed starting points
- Nothing is intrinsically bad
- Difference without Division
- Breaking barriers
- Healthy relationships
- Take joy in your sincere intentions
- Just not been introduced before
- Finding our nobility of heart
- Authentic love toward others
- There are no fixed starting points