Quote Archives: Ajahn Anan

Simply arising ~ Ajahn Anan

Since everything in the world simply arises, remains, and then passes away, how could it bring us any lasting happiness? We have to ask ourself, ‘Have we ever experienced happiness in the past? Have we ever experienced pleasure? Pain? Suffering?’ We can see that these feelings simply arise, remain, and then pass away. There is […]

Contemplating the truth of not-self ~ Ajahn Anan

The most obvious place we can observe and contemplate the truth of not-self, or anatta, is just with our own breath. Anytime we turn our attention to observe the breath, we can see that it is merely carrying on its function. The breath goes in and then it goes out. It arises, it passes away. […]

Just to know the mind ~ Ajahn Anan

We meditate to get to know our mind. But that doesn’t mean we think, “I’ve got to be peaceful!” If we think and attach in this way then we’ll tend to get irritated with ourself when we’re not peaceful. Our aim is just to know the mind. And when we’re working on developing constant awareness, […]