Quote Archives: Jigme Phuntsok Rinpoche

A mark of the degenerate age ~ Jigme Phuntsok Rinpoche

It is exactly as the omniscient Longchenpa said: When the wise and virtuous are not held in esteem, yet affected and ignorant ones are immensely honored, this is a mark of the degenerate age! When these shallow, ignorant people are respected by others, their arrogance also increases. Like pouring gasoline on a fire, eventually it […]

Study, reflection, and practice ~ Jigme Phuntsok Rinpoche

If you wish to eradicate your afflictions, you must follow your teacher and study for a long time. Otherwise, studying for only a few days will not have any significant effect … Some people today are not willing to study or reflect on the Dharma, but they are enthusiastic about meditation. They believe meditating all […]