Quote Archives: Ling Rinpoche

Being different from before ~ Ling Rinpoche

Use the Dharma that you have studied to change your mind, to be different from before. That is the purpose of Dharma, and if you can use it to change your mind in this way you won’t be poor in Dharma. As Tewugen Rinpoche said: Those who know the secret of turning iron into gold […]

The most important step in spiritual growth ~ Ling Rinpoche

The most important step in spiritual growth ist he decision to avoid evil and cultivate goodness within your stream of being. On the basis of this fundamental discipline, every spiritual quality becomes possible, even the eventual perfection of buddhahood. Ling Rinpoche

The fruit of ultimate perfection ~ Ling Rinpoche

You should try to meditate regularly on death and impermanence and thus become a spiritual practitioner of initial scope. Then you should develop the meditations on the unsatisfactory nature of samsara and the three higher trainings [ethics, concentration and wisdom] and thus become a practitioner of medium scope. Finally, you should give birth to love, […]

What precisely is bodhicitta ~ Ling Rinpoche

What precisely is bodhicitta? It is the mind strongly characterized by the aspiration, “For the sake of all sentient beings I must attain the state of full enlightenment.” While it’s easy to repeat these words to ourselves, bodhicitta is much deeper than that. It is a quality we cultivate systematically within our mind. Merely holding […]