Quote Archives: Tilopa

Maintaing awareness in the states of agitation and meditative equipoise ~ Tilopa

If you can maintain awareness in the states of agitation and meditative equipoise, the pollution of disturbing thoughts will clear automatically, just like a pond that is left undisturbed. Do not consider certain mental experiences as good and worth cultivating and other experiences as hindrances that need to be abandoned. If you can develop this […]

Free from all empirical characteristics ~ Tilopa

We cannot identify the nature of space As having this or that attribute Or as having this or that empirical characteristic. It has no color, shape, or form And cannot be contaminated by anything that occurs within it. In the same way, emptiness — Which is inexorably bound with the mind — Is free from […]

Relaxing in an unconditional state ~ Tilopa

Allow the mind to relax in an unconditional state, Because when the mind is relaxed, you will achieve liberation. Tilopa

Look into the mirror of your mind ~ Tilopa

Naropa, you should strive For Samsara and Nirvana’s unity. Look into the mirror of your mind, which is delight eternal, The mysterious home of the Dakini. Tilopa

When the root of the mind is severed ~ Tilopa

A tree spreads its branches and puts forth leaves, But when its root is cut its foliage withers; So too, when the root of the mind is severed, The branches of the tree of samsara die. Tilopa

Look at that which is meaningful ~ Tilopa

Wishing to attain liberation from intolerable suffering, rely upon a wise guru. When the guru’s blessings enter your heart, your mind will be liberated. These things of samsara are meaningless or pointless, the causes of suffering. And since all of these things that have been done or made are pointless, look at that which is […]

The wheels of merit and wisdom ~ Tilopa

My son Naropa, for phenomena that come from interdependence, Until you realize all these are unborn, You must not separate From the wheels of merit and wisdom. Tilopa

Hey! ~ Tilopa

Hey! This is self-knowing primordial wisdom. It is beyond articulation and it is not an experienced object of the mind. It is nothing that can be demonstrated by me, Tilopa. Know it by letting your own self-awareness indicate itself. Tilopa

Yogi’s mind ~ Tilopa

At first a yogi feels his mind Is tumbling like a waterfall; In mid-course, like the Ganges It flows on slow and gentle; In the end, it is a great Vast ocean, where the Lights Of Son and Mother merge in one. Tilopa

No hope no fear ~ Tilopa

If you are beyond all grasping at an object and at a subject, that is the monarch of all views. If there is no distraction, it is the monarch of all meditations. If there is no effort, it is the monarch among all conducts. When there is no hope and no fear, that is the […]

Examine yourself ~ Tilopa

Lo! This is self-awareness! It surpasses all avenues of speech and thought. I, Tilopa, have nothing to reveal. You should know it yourself through inward examination. Tilopa

The truth which is natural to awareness ~ Tilopa

Obsessive use of meditative disciplines or perennial study of scripture and philosophy will never bring forth this wonderful realization, this truth which is natural to awareness, because the mind that desperately desires to reach another realm or level of experience inadvertently ignores the basic light that constitutes all experience. Tilopa

Samsara ~ Tilopa

Samsara is to see fault in others. Tilopa

No roots, no home ~ Tilopa

The clouds that wander through the sky have no roots, no home, Nor do the distinctive thoughts floating through the mind. Once the self-mind is seen, Discrimination stops. Tilopa

At ease ~ Tilopa

Like the state of space, the mind transcends thought. Set it at ease in its own nature, without rejecting it or maintaining it. When the mind is without objective content, it is Mahamudra. Through familiarisation with that, supreme enlightenment is achieved. Tilopa

Like space ~ Tilopa

Is space anywhere supported? Upon what does it rest? Like space, mahamudra is dependent upon nothing; Relax and settle in the continuum of unalloyed purity, And, your bonds loosening, release is certain. Tilopa

Like sesame oil ~ Tilopa

Sesame oil is the essence. Although the ignorant know that it is in the sesame seed, they do not understand the way of cause, effect and becoming, and therefore are not able to extract the essence, the sesame oil. Although innate coemergent wisdom abides in the heart of all beings, if it is not shown […]

Fettered by craving ~ Tilopa

Child, it is not by appearances that you are fettered but by craving. Tilopa