Quote Archives: Tulku Thondup Rinpoche

Absolute Loving-Kindness ~ Tulku Thondup Rinpoche

Enlightened mind sees all but without grasping at the “self.” Because we are not grasping at “self,” there is no dividing into duality, no clash and conflict between the rigid surfaces of the mind’s dualistic concepts and its mental objects. When we see all with an open mind, we see all in oneness, unity. We […]

Stages of meditation ~ Tulku Thondup Rinpoche

In the past, teachers often had to persuade their students to move to higher levels of meditations, as students were usually humble and cautious. Today, however, even beginners want to practice only the highest meditations, like the loving-kindness free from concepts or emptiness. They dive into ocean-like meditations without any clue of their depths, whether […]

Judging others ~ Tulku Thondup Rinpoche

Unless one is omniscient or at least enjoys some degree of clairvoyance, no one can judge others. One can see how others appear and how they are behaving, but not who they are or why they are behaving in a particular manner. For example, enlightened ones such as buddhas, bodhisattvas, and sages appear in peaceful […]

Indispensable to liberation ~ Tulku Thondup Rinpoche

Buddhism teaches that in our true nature, we are enlightened—totally open, peaceful, joyful, compassionate, and omniscient. The Buddha proclaimed: “Profound, peaceful, and free from concepts, Luminous and uncompounded— A nectar-like nature—that I have realized!” This aspect of our mind is “the true nature of the mind.” When we become aware of and perfect it, we […]

Uprooting grasping at self ~ Tulku Thondup Rinpoche

To uproot grasping at self, we need to realize wisdom. To realize wisdom, we need merit. Merit releases us from negative emotions, the cause of samsaric suffering, and loosens our grasping at self. As that happens, we glimpse the true nature of our mind. Once we do, we can meditate on the true nature to […]

Loving-Kindness that is free from concepts ~ Tulku Thondup Rinpoche

According to Buddhism, all existents abide in loving-kindness free from concepts in their absolute nature. But the understanding and realization of that true nature have been covered over by the webs of our own mental, emotional, and intellectual obscurations. Now, in order to uncover the true nature and its qualities, we must dispel the cover […]

Skillful-means practices ~ Tulku Thondup Rinpoche

There are many ways to make merit, or positive karma. The most comprehensive are the six perfections (paramitas) that Mahayana Buddhism prescribes as the path to enlightenment. They are: giving (generosity), discipline (morality), patience (fearlessness), diligence (eagerness), tranquillity (contemplation), and wisdom. The first five perfections, collectively referred to as “skillful means,” are especially for accumulating […]

The bedrock of the Buddha’s first teachings ~ Tulku Thondup Rinpoche

Some people think karma is fate. “It must be my karma,” they sigh, resigning themselves to some calamity. But karma doesn’t have to be bad. It can be good. And we make our own karma. Every thought, feeling, and deed sows a habitual karmic seed in our mind that ripens into a corresponding positive, negative, […]

The need for dualistic practice ~ Tulku Thondup Rinpoche

Why do we need dualistic practices, such as generating merit, to reach a state that transcends duality? Because we have to start from where we are. Our mind’s true nature is covered by karmic turbulence caused by our grasping at self and our negative mental habits. “Grasping at a self” refers to the way we […]