From the relative perspective the guru appears in human form, turns the wheel of Dharma, and shows the path. Develop unchanging faith in your teacher and then mingle your mind with his. By remaining in that state and maintaining the natural flow of awareness — perfect simplicity without any fabrication — you will realize the true nature of mind. Your mind will become one with your teacher’s mind. At that point, from the absolute point of view you will see him as the dharmakaya, the state of great evenness.

Shechen Rabjam Rinpoche
from the book The Great Medicine That Conquers Clinging to the Notion of Reality: Steps in Meditation on the Enlightened Mind
Read a random quote or see all quotes by Shechen Rabjam Rinpoche.
Further quotes from the book The Great Medicine That Conquers Clinging to the Notion of Reality:
- See the dharma in every experience
- Fooled by appearance
- Like dreams
- The union of appearances and emptiness
- The ultimate nature of phenomena
- Just like a dream
- The inseparability of appearance and emptiness
- Dedication
- Enjoy the freedom