Liberation as Ever-Perfect ~ Jamgon Kongtrul Lodro Thaye

Liberation as Ever-Perfect does not refer to the liberation of a buddha that has occurred in the past, such as that of Buddha Sakyamuni, but to the way in which countless beings are liberated right now and will continue to be liberated in the future simply by realizing their primordial purity. The basis, the path, and the ultimate result in this system are all of a singular, undifferentiated nature: total, pure awareness. Thus, the primordial freedom that one seeks to attain by practicing the spiritual path is something that one already possesses. Intrinsic freedom is itself the path that leads to the actualization of the goal.

Jamgon Kongtrul Lodro Thaye

from the book The Treasury of Knowledge: Book One: Myriad Worlds

translated by Kalu Rinpoche Translation Group

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