One practice that I especially like is taking mental snapshots. You can begin by closing your eyes. Then turn your head in any direction — up, down, sideways. It doesn’t matter which way. The idea is that you’re not exactly sure what you’ll see when you open your eyes. Then, abruptly open your eyes and see what’s in front of you. Almost immediately, you will revert to labeling everything, but try to observe that moment before the labeling happens. In a relaxed and open way, try to take a mental snapshot of that instant, which is empty of imputed meaning.
Pema Chödron
from the book Welcoming the Unwelcome: Wholehearted Living in a Brokenhearted World
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Further quotes from the book Welcoming the Unwelcome:
- Skillful Communication
- The wonderful irony about this spiritual journey
- A fertile ground for training in being open minded
- Protecting Ourselves from Pain