Before attaining awakening, Shakyamuni Buddha was an ignorant sentient being like us. By learning, contemplating, and meditating on the Dharma, he attained Buddhahood. We have the same potential; our attainments are contingent on our effort to follow the path. Knowing this broadens our vision of life and encourages us to look beyond the narrow view of human potential that we previously held. We come to know that we have the potential to become fully awakened Buddhas who are of great benefit to sentient beings. We gain confidence that it is possible to eliminate our ignorance, anger, and attachment; it is possible to develop equal love and compassion for all living beings, even those who have harmed us. This is doable if we try. It may not happen quickly, but causes bear their effects; of this we can be sure.

Thubten Chodron
from the book The Compassionate Kitchen: Buddhist Practices for Eating with Mindfulness and Gratitude
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