When you are trying to help someone, you have to have humor, self-existing humor, and you have to hold the moth in your hand, but not let it go into the flame. That’s what helping others means. Ladies and gentlemen, we have so much responsibility. A long time ago, people helped one another in this way. Now people just talk, talk talk. They read books, they listen to music, but they never actually help anyone. They never use their bare hands to save a person from going crazy. We have that responsibility. Somebody has to do it. It turns out to be us. We’ve got to do it, and we can do it with a smile, not with a long face.
Chögyam Trungpa
from the book Great Eastern Sun: The Wisdom of Shambhala
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Further quotes from the book Great Eastern Sun:
- Please give yourself a good time
- First mind, first thought
- You have to do it
- Facing our lives
- Feeling too naked
- The primordial dot
- Trusting in yourself first
- Smile at fear
- Decency is free from trickery
- Ordinary is extraordinary
- The majesty of the world is always there
- Enjoy your goodness
- The heart of goodness in you