The Master said:
When practicing the dharma, you must train perfectly in the ten foundations of training.The lady asked:
What are these ten foundations of training?The Master said:
You must resolve through the view, gaining understanding of all the teachings, like the garuda bird soaring in the skies.
You must find certainty through the conduct, without being intimidated by anything whatsoever,like an elephant entering the water.You must practice through the samadhi, clearing away the darkness of ignorance, like lightning a lamp in a dark room.
You must accomplish the aim through the instructions, liberating all phenomena in your nature, like finding a wish-fulfilling jewel.
You must progress gradually through the empowerments, being free from the fear of falling into samsara, like a prince ascending the royal throne.
You must keep the basis through the samayas, not letting any of your actions be wasted, like fertile ground.
You must liberate your being through learning, becoming adept in all aspects of the dharma, like a noble steed freed from its chains.
You must compare all sources, understanding all the philosophical schools of the dharma, like a bee seeking a hive.
You must condense them into a single point, understanding that all the numerous teachings are of one taste, like a trader adding together his profits.
You must reach eminence in knowledge, understanding clearly and distinctly the meaning of all the teachings, like arriving at the summit of Mount Sumeru.
The people of Tibet who desire to be learned without training themselves in these points are not learned in the essential meaning but become practitioners with much sectarianism.
This is due to the fault of not having become adept in these ten foundations of training.

from the book Dakini Teachings: A Collection of Padmasambhava's Advice to the Dakini Yeshe Tsogyal
translated by Pema Kunsang
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