When Shakyamuni Buddha expounded his wisdom to people to show them the noble and profound ways they could conduct their lives, his intention was not to impress them with how much he knew or how well he could express himself. It was because of his infinitely compassionate concern for the benefit and liberation of all beings without exception, that he revealed the way of liberation from all suffering. Like the love of a mother who cherishes her only child, this was the loving-kindness of the Buddha’s teaching.

Gyaltsab Rinpoche
The Way of the Buddha
source: http://www.abuddhistlibrary.com/Buddhism/A%20-%20Tibetan%20Buddhism/Authors/Gyaltsab%20Rinpoche/The%20Way%20of%20the%20Buddha/KTD--The%20Way%20of%20the%20Buddha--.htm
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