You are limitless ~ Tai Situ Rinpoche

This sacred substance [the nature of everything] we have to, and should, respect, appreciate, uphold and cherish it as it is. I will give a simple example, when you feel shaky, kind of not certain and become confused, then face a mountain and look at the mountain. Mountains do not move. And when you feel so small and so incapable, so inferior, then look at the sky. Your mind is as limitless as sky. You are limitless. You have no limitation. You are not inferior or incapable, that has no space. Space is limitless. Mind is like space, in fact mind is space. That is why some of you could be born here and have come from billions of light years away, because for mind, it covers everything, it is all-pervading. Therefore, you can die billions of light years away and be born here in a split second. It does not take millions of light years to get here.

Tai Situ Rinpoche

from the book Nectar of Dharma: The Sacred Advice, Volume Two

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