To obtain real peace and happiness in this world one has simply to follow the path of ahimsa – nonviolence – which naturally is common to all the religions of the world. If we do not like to experience any pain or suffering of any kind, how can we expect any other creature – whether big or small – to feel otherwise? There is no better prayer or worship we can offer to Lord Buddha than being thoughtful, kind, compassionate and abstaining from taking the life of any fellow human being, animal, bird, fish or insect.

Chatral Rinpoche
from the book Compassionate Action
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Further quotes from the book Compassionate Action:
- The best form of austerity
- View and conduct
- But when you die
- There is nothing more to it than that
- All you need
- No real happiness
- Act accordingly
- By then it’s too late!
- Failing to let go of ordinary concerns
- A disciplined mind
- Your own true enemies
- Gaining the riches of a Dharma practitioner
- Taking advantage of our human existence
- Relying on the instructions of your own qualified teacher
- Use it well
- Not enjoying meat or alcohol
- Three kinds of dharma practitioners
- Our responsibility