We need to make our preparations now and be diligent about it. We may think, “I really want to practice the Dharma, but right now I’m really busy. I have a lot of things to do. I’ll get to the Dharma when my work is done.” This way of thinking is an obstacle that will prevent us from practicing the Dharma. If we are busy doing something right now, then when we are done, something else will come up to keep us busy, and when that’s done, there will be something else, and something else after that. There’s just one thing after another that we have to do, and we end up with no opportunity to practice the Dharma at all.

Thrangu Rinpoche
from the book Advice from a Yogi: An Explanation of a Tibetan Classic on What Is Most Important
Read a random quote or see all quotes by Thrangu Rinpoche.
Further quotes from the book Advice from a Yogi:
- The great treasure
- Samadhi
- Diligent with our body, speech, and mind
- Get along in your family
- The need to rouse our diligence
- Practice Dharma right now
- Since everything comes down to mind
- Free of fixation
- Dharmata
- The importance of a pure motivation
- Clarity inseparable from emptiness