Awareness of the teacher ~ Chögyam Trungpa

As a dharmic person, a practitioner, you also have awareness of the teacher and of other realized people whom you are studying with. The idea is to be without shyness and to be able to relate with your teacher, who in the hinayana tradition is an elder. You relate to the teacher as somebody who has accomplished the path already. Because you are without shyness, you can relate with the teacher and emulate him or her properly and fully. You have a sense of appreciation that you are and will be part of a certain tradition, a certain discipline. You have as an example a teacher who is behaving in a way that you should behave, and you have some sense of sacredness in studying and listening to the teacher.

Chögyam Trungpa

from the book The Collected Works of Chogyam Trungpa, Volume 2

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