No chewing gum is simplicity ~ Chögyam Trungpa

Supposing you feel an itch in your pocket, but you don’t have any chewing gum on that particular day. You should feel contented; you should feel relieved. “For heaven’s sake, I don’t have any chewing gum! That’s fine.” A chance to appreciate that simplicity has been presented to you. Ordinarily, people talk in terms of obstacles: “I had a bad time. I didn’t have any chewing gum in my pocket. I had a bad day.” But you could switch gears altogether: “It was such a relief to find that I didn’t have any chewing gum in my pocket. I feel fine; I just let go.” You can have some appreciation of obstacles becoming simplicity.

Chögyam Trungpa

from the book The Collected Works of Chogyam Trungpa, Volume 2

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