Quote Archives: 4th Shechen Gyaltsab

Like gold hidden in its matrix ~ 4th Shechen Gyaltsab

You might ask: ‟If the nature of buddhahood is in me, why can’t I perceive it right away?” It is because, like gold hidden in its matrix, that nature is hidden by the tendencies we have accumulated since time immemorial, tendencies that have themselves been created by mental poisons and then reinforced by the actions […]

Whatever you do ~ 4th Shechen Gyaltsab

Whatever you do — walking, eating, sitting, and so forth — abandon laziness, indolence, apathy, negligence, and distraction. Master the habitual patterns that make you resist any change in your body, speech, and mind, even in the most insignificant activities. Once you have embarked on the path of liberation, it is inappropriate to behave in […]

Our journey will have been useless ~ 4th Shechen Gyaltsab

We now have a precious human life. However, if, like an explorer who returns empty-handed from an island covered with treasure, we just enjoy this inestimably valuable life for some time without bringing back the gem of the sublime Dharma, our journey will have been useless. And if, caught up in the activities of daily […]

The ultimate nature of mind ~ 4th Shechen Gyaltsab

The qualities of enlightenment are inherent in consciousness but can remain invisible for a long time. The ultimate nature of mind, emptiness endowed with the qualities of supreme enlightenment, is always present in us but remains latent until we recognize it and become familiar with it. 4th Shechen Gyaltsab

The only way to become buddha ~ 4th Shechen Gyaltsab

It is not enough to intellectually understand the nature of mind. We have to get rid of the veils that obscure it, and the best way to do so is to generate the bodhichitta, the ‟mind of enlightenment,” which is the supreme intention to achieve enlightenment for the benefit of all beings. That is the […]

Apply yourself unrelentingly to spiritual practice ~ 4th Shechen Gyaltsab

When heat, moisture, and fertile soil come together, you do whatever you can to sow grain. When you discover a deposit of gold or silver, you do whatever you can to exploit it. When the crops are ready in autumn, you do whatever you can to harvest them. When you have an escort to accompany […]