Quote Archives: Khandro Rinpoche

The tremendous difference between aspiration and actualization ~ Khandro Rinpoche

It is very common, for western and eastern practitioners alike, to think we want to attain enlightenment and benefit sentient beings. But there is a tremendous difference between aspiration and actualization. We want to, we hope to, we wish to — but we may not actually have the courage to actualize our aspiration. Therefore the […]

A simple moment of awareness ~ Khandro Rinpoche

The essence of the highest teachings lies within a simple moment of awareness. Khandro Rinpoche

Genuinne compassion ~ Khandro Rinpoche

Compassion is not about kindness. Compassion is about awareness. Compassion in the general sense of kindness would be an expression of awareness, but one that might not necessarily be free from the stain of ego-grasping. Genuine compassion is egoless. It is the inherent essence expressed, inseparable from awareness. This natural essence, which is genuine compassion, […]

Three yanas ~ Khandro Rinpoche

Practice on the path of hinayana — or sutrayana as it’s called nowadays — is based on self-discipline. Through awareness, discipline, and the ability to discern what is useful and what is harmful, we abandon useless and harmful activities. We could say that the hinayana path of practice is about morality, or self-discipline. Practice on […]

Our fundamental nature is intrinsic ~ Khandro Rinpoche

Our fundamental nature is intrinsic. No sane, intelligent human being is impeded from being in touch with this basic nature. There is no one standing between you and it, no one is appearing like a mara to perform dances of distraction. At any given moment, each one of you — even with no understanding of […]

On mindfulness ~ Khandro Rinpoche

Simply put: by cultivating diligence in building mindfulness, mindfulness will free you from becoming a cause of suffering to others. Khandro Rinpoche