Quote Archives: Lama Yeshe

Interpretation of the mind ~ Lama Yeshe

Buddhism also explains that the fundamental nature of human consciousness is pure and clear; that the nuclear essence of human beings is their mind, not this body of flesh and blood. Furthermore, we believe that recognizing our lives as pleasurable or miserable depends largely on how our mind interprets them. If you think your life […]

Wrong expectations ~ Lama Yeshe

We often feel miserable and our world seems upside-down because we believe that external things will work out exactly as we plan and expect them to. Lama Yeshe

Nothing wrong with having pleasures ~ Lama Yeshe

Contrary to what some people might believe, there is nothing wrong with having pleasures and enjoyments. What is wrong is the confused way we grasp onto these pleasures, turning them from a source of happiness into a source of pain and dissatisfaction. Lama Yeshe

Learning to be aware of your actions ~ Lama Yeshe

Every minute you perform hundreds of karmic actions, yet you are hardly conscious of any of them. In the stillness of meditation, however, you can listen to your mind, the source of all this activity. You learn to be aware of your actions to a far greater extent than ever before. This self-awareness leads to […]

Silent mind ~ Lama Yeshe

At certain times, a silent mind is very important, but ‘silent’ does not mean closed. The silent mind is an alert, awakened mind; a mind seeking the nature of reality. Lama Yeshe

Balanced relationships ~ Lama Yeshe

You can see that some people’s relationships are reasonable. Therefore, they last a long time. If people’s relationships start off extreme, how can they last? You know from the beginning they cannot last. Balance is so important. Lama Yeshe

Incredible, limitless mind ~ Lama Yeshe

Our problem is that inside us there’s a mind going, “Impossible, impossible, impossible. I can’t, I can’t, I can’t.” We have to banish that mind from this solar system. Anything is possible; everything is possible. Sometimes you feel that your dreams are impossible, but they’re not. Human beings have great potential; they can do anything. […]

Happy day by day ~ Lama Yeshe

It is never too late. Even if you are going to die tomorrow, Keep yourself straight and clear and be a happy human being today. If you keep your situation happy day by day, you will eventually reach the greatest happiness of enlightenment. Lama Yeshe

Not a religion in the usual sense ~ Lama Yeshe

When we study Buddhism, we are studying ourselves — the nature of our own minds. Instead of focusing on some supreme being, Buddhism emphasizes more practical matters, such as how to lead our lives, how to integrate our minds and how to keep our everyday lives peaceful and healthy. Buddhism accentuates experiential knowledge — in […]

With bodhicitta ~ Lama Yeshe

Many people who have spent years alone in meditation have finished up the worse for it. Coming back into society, they have freaked out. They haven’t been able to take contact with other people again, because the peaceful environment they created was an artificial condition, still a relative phenomenon without solidity. With bodhicitta, no matter […]

Creating a world of neurotic fantasy ~ Lama Yeshe

There is no miserable place waiting for you, no hell realm, sitting and waiting like Alaska – waiting to turn you into ice cream. But whatever you call it – hell or the suffering realms – it is something that you enter by creating a world of neurotic fantasy and believing it to be real. […]

Desire’s tremendous energy ~ Lama Yeshe

It is precisely because our present life is so inseparably linked with desire that we must make use of desire’s tremendous energy if we wish to transform our life into something transcendental. Lama Yeshe

Dualistic mind ~ Lama Yeshe

You can see how your dualistic mind functions in your daily life. Whenever you find something you like, you automatically start looking around to see if there’s anything better. There’s always conflict in your mind: “This is nice, but what about that?” The advertising industry is built on exploiting this universal human tendency and the world of […]

There is nothing spiritual outside ~ Lama Yeshe

There’s nothing spiritual outside. My rosary isn’t spiritual; my robes aren’t spiritual. Spiritual means the mind, and spiritual people are those who seek its nature. Lama Yeshe