Our attempts to find lasting pleasure, lasting security, are at odds with the fact that we’re part of a dynamic system in which everything and everyone is in process.
Pema Chödron
from the book Living Beautifully with Uncertainty and Change
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Further quotes from the book Living Beautifully with Uncertainty and Change:
- Building Inner Strength
- A Wall of Truth
- Unfettered mind
- Stepping-stones for awakening our compassion
- What are you doing when you are unhappy
- The real cause of our suffering
- Beyond our comfort zone
- The mandala of our life
- Just our personal viewpoint
- We Have a Choice
- Difficult relationships
- Groundlessness
- Holding a diversity party in our living room
- Forever in flux
- Embracing the groundlessness of our situation
- The knack of refraining
- Renouncing one thing
- The detox period
- Practicing with Strong Emotions