If we recognize the unchanging, absolute nature of phenomena, we will also recognize their intangibility. Things appear yet are empty; they are empty yet appear. Emptiness is not the absence of phenomena, and phenomena are not the absence of emptiness. Rather, there is a union of appearance and emptiness. Just having a glimpse of understanding that things are not as they appear is already a big step toward seeing the true nature of things. We are like a naïve child who is easily fooled by appearances until we gain this understanding. In our confusion, we treat the phenomenal world as solid and real. We do not see that it is merely an expression of wisdom and the display of emptiness. We reify phenomena and this sets in motion an unending succession of attractions and aversions that lead to craving and desire. This one mistake, solidifying phenomena, gives rise to the endless cycle of samsara.

Shechen Rabjam Rinpoche
from the book The Great Medicine That Conquers Clinging to the Notion of Reality: Steps in Meditation on the Enlightened Mind
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Further quotes from the book The Great Medicine That Conquers Clinging to the Notion of Reality:
- Enjoy the freedom
- See the dharma in every experience
- Like dreams
- The union of appearances and emptiness
- The ultimate nature of phenomena
- Just like a dream
- Guru
- The inseparability of appearance and emptiness
- Dedication