Anything that is created must sooner or later die. Enlightenment is permanent because we have not produced it; we have merely discovered it.

Chögyam Trungpa
from the book Cutting Through Spiritual Materialism
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Further quotes from the book Cutting Through Spiritual Materialism:
- Pleasure and Pain
- The origin of suffering
- Just do what you do
- Silcence
- Letting be
- Tricky ego
- Dissatisfaction
- Soil good enough to cultivate
- Mundane action
- Opening without demand
- The pain of exposing ourselves
- The truth of the spiritual path
- The totally demonic state of complete “Egohood”
- Self-deception creates a dream world
- Being a grain of sand
- The condition of openness
- Compassion
- Relating with people
- Give up the paranoia