Protecting ourselves from pain — our own and that of others — has never worked. Everybody wants to be free from their suffering, but the majority of us go about it in ways that only make things worse. Shielding ourselves from the vulnerability of all living beings — which includes our own vulnerability — cuts us off from the full experience of life. Our world shrinks. When our main goals are to gain comfort and avoid discomfort, we begin to feel disconnected from, and even threatened by, others. We enclose ourselves in a mesh of fear. And when many people and countries engage in this kind of approach, the result is a messy global situation with lots of pain and conflict.

Pema Chödron
from the book Welcoming the Unwelcome: Wholehearted Living in a Brokenhearted World
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Further quotes from the book Welcoming the Unwelcome:
- Observe the Moment
- A fertile ground for training in being open minded
- Skillful Communication
- The wonderful irony about this spiritual journey