Real satisfaction does not come from having an easy life and plenty of money. These days I have a fairly comfortable life, even peace of mind, but that alone does not give me the greatest satisfaction. Real satisfaction comes when I can do something that really helps someone else without any hope of getting something in return, such as fame or a good reputation. The chance to give people something that truly benefits them does bring the greatest satisfaction.

17th Karmapa
from the book
translated by Ringu Tulku & Michele Martin
Read a random quote or see all quotes by the 17th Karmapa.
Further quotes from the book Traveling the Path of Compassion :
- Discipline
- The true test of meditation
- Why the Dharma is so important
- Teaching what is really useful
- Seeing what Dharma practice actually is
- Finding real solitude
- Why we need to give up our worldly concerns
- Giving and Receiving
- Taking advantage of opportunities
- Our Actual Enemy
- Joyful discipline
- Taming Our Mind
- Avoiding criticism
- Seeing clearly what is genuine and what is false
- Putting ourselves in someone else’s place
- Remembering the Lama