The wheel of Dharma ~ Buddha Shakyamuni

At that time the Blessed One spoke these verses:

The wheel of Dharma has been turned,
Which is profound, hard to behold, and subtle.
It is not understood by the extremists,
Nor by the demons.

The wheel of Dharma has been turned,
Which is without an all-ground and beyond concepts,
Unborn and without origination,
Unique and empty of inherent nature.

The Buddha has turned the wheel
That teaches the Dharma of equality,
Without anything to accept and reject,
Causeless and without characteristics.

The Protector of the World
Has turned the wheel that is like
An illusion, a mirage,
A dream, an echo, or a moon reflected in water.

It leads beyond conditioned phenomena;
It is not nihilistic and neither is it permanent,
But cuts through all views‍—
So is the wheel of Dharma described.

It is an infinitely vast teaching,
Ever equal to space,
Luminous and nonconceptual‍—
So is the wheel of Dharma described.

It is free from existence and nonexistence,
Beyond self and no self,
A teaching that is naturally unborn‍—
That is what we call the wheel of Dharma.

In the truth of suchness,
It is the final end, yet it is without an end,
This nondual teaching of the Dharma‍—
That is what we call the wheel of Dharma.

The eye is essentially empty,
So are the ear and the nose.
The tongue, the body, and also the mind
Are empty and inert.

Such a wheel is the wheel of Dharma
That has now been turned.
He awakens unawakened beings;
That’s why he is called the Awakened One.

By myself have I realized this nature‍—
The nature defined as Dharma‍—
Without instructions from others,
And so I am the self-arisen possessor of the wisdom eye.

Buddha Shakyamuni

Lalita­vistara Sutra, Chapter 26, verse 216-226

translated by Dharmachakra Translation Committee


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