Willingness to change ~ 14th Dalai Lama

Many people who approach the practice of Buddhism are willing to sacrifice one or two hours of their day in order to perform some ritual practice or engage in meditation. Time is relatively easy to give up, even though their life may be very busy. But, they are not willing to change anything of their personality – they are not willing to forgo anything of their negative character. With this type of approach to Buddhism, it hardly matters how much meditation we do, our practice remains merely a hobby or a sport. It does not touch our lives. In order actually to overcome our problems, we have to be willing to change – namely to change our personality. We need to renounce and rid ourselves of those negative aspects of it that are causing us so much trouble.

14th Dalai Lama

from the book The Gelug/Kagyu Tradition Of Mahamudra

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