“Fruition” implies that at some future time you will feel good. One of the most powerful Buddhist teachings is that as long as you are wishing for things to change, they never will. As long as you’re wanting yourself to get better, you won’t. As long as you are oriented toward the future, you can never just relax into what you already have or already are.

Pema Chödron
from the book Comfortable with Uncertainty: 108 Teachings on Cultivating Fearlessness and Compassion
Read a random quote or see all quotes by Pema Chödron.
Further quotes from the book Comfortable with Uncertainty:
- The healing power of bodhicitta
- Complete acceptance of ourselves as we are
- Remaining stuck in the repetitious habit of escalating our dissatisfaction
- Pain and pleasure go together
- The possibility of being able to expand
- Learning to leap into open space
- Cultivating Compassion
- Recognizing our shared humanity
- Beyond punishment and reward
- Recognizing What’s Going On
- Humor and openness