Quote Archives: Mipham Rinpoche

The Essence of Mind ~ Mipham Rinpoche

What we call “essence of mind” is the actual face of unconditioned pure awareness, which is recognized through receiving the guru’s blessings and instructions. If you wonder what this is like, it is empty in essence, beyond conceptual reference; it is cognizant by nature, spontaneously present; and it is all-pervasive and unobstructed in its compassionate […]

Meritorious Deeds ~ Mipham Rinpoche

O father, this world is the site of karma; beyond it lies the site of karmic result. Whatever we have done in this life, we will definitely experience in another. Even small virtues and sins can have extensive results. Having been born into this site of karma, why not opt for planting virtuous seeds? Mipham […]

Essence of mind ~ Mipham Rinpoche

What we call “essence of mind” is the actual face of unconditioned pure awareness, which is recognised through receiving the guru’s blessings and instructions. If you wonder what this is like, it is empty in essence, beyond conceptual reference; it is cognisant by nature, spontaneously present; and it is all-pervasive and unobstructed in its compassionate […]

Emptiness and great compassion ~ Mipham Rinpoche

When phenomena are indeed seen to be devoid of true existence, great compassion will well up effortlessly, a compassion that will never abandon living beings who circle in samsara through their clinging to true existence. For as it has been taught, it is in the nature of things that such an attitude is born. Mipham […]

As wisdom dawns ~ Mipham Rinpoche

As the wisdom of recognizing your own true nature dawns, it clears away the blinding darkness of confusion, and, just as you can see clearly the inside of your home once the sun has risen, you gain confident certainty in the true nature of your mind. Mipham Rinpoche

How liberation is to be gained ~ Mipham Rinpoche

If one trains for a long time in the union of the two truths, the stage of acceptance (on the path of joining), which is attuned to primordial wisdom, will arise. By thus acquiring a certain conviction in that which surpasses intellectual knowledge, and by training in it, one will eventually actualize it. This is […]

Dependent Origination ~ Mipham Rinpoche

What is meant by dependent origination? It means that nothing included within inner or outer phenomena has arisen without a cause. Neither have they originated from what are not their causes; that is, noncauses such as a permanent creator [in the form of] the self, time, or the Almighty. The fact that phenomena arise based […]

Strenuous impulsion toward equanimity ~ Mipham Rinpoche

In those who have realized emptiness, strenuous impulsion toward equanimity in the face of the eight worldly obsessions and effortless compassion for others arise simultaneously in the mindstream. Mipham Rinpoche

Advice for Beginners ~ Mipham Rinpoche

Kyeho! All activities within samsara are pointless and hollow — Unreliable and fleeting, like lightning’s streaking dance, And there is no certainty as to when death will strike. Still, since death is certain, limit idle plans and speculations Allow the teacher’s instructions to hit home and strike a chord, And, single-pointedly, in solitude, seek perfect […]

The first reliance ~ Mipham Rinpoche

Therefore do not rely on individuals, But rely upon the Dharma. Freedom comes from the genuine path that is taught, Not the one who teaches it. When the teachings are well presented, It does not matter what the speaker is like. Even the bliss-gone buddhas themselves Appear as butchers and such like to train disciples. […]

Free ~ Mipham Rinpoche

If we are not trapped in the mire of mental constructs, The manifestation of awareness is directly seen, Free from constructs. Without tying knots in the air with the rope of speculation, May we be skilled in spontaneously resting in the genuine nature. Mipham Rinpoche

The second reliance ~ Mipham Rinpoche

Whenever you study or contemplate the Dharma, Rely not on the words, but on the meaning. If the meaning is understood, then regardless of the speaker’s style, There will be no conflict. When you have understood what it was The speaker intended to communicate, If you then continue to think about each word and expression, […]

Know that mind is the unity of clarity and emptiness ~ Mipham Rinpoche

The manifold mind, like a dream and an illusion, Has no nature when analyzed; All perceptions have the nature of the moon reflected in water. Know that mind is the unity of clarity and emptiness. When this is not merely conceptually determined, but Comes to be understood within self-awareness, then The wisdom body of all […]

The forth reliance ~ Mipham Rinpoche

When taking the definitive meaning into experience, Do not rely upon the ordinary dualistic mind That chases after words and concepts, But rely upon non-dual wisdom itself. That which operates with conceptual ideas Is the ordinary mind, whose nature involves perceiver and perceived. All that is conceived in this way is false And will never […]

The third reliance ~ Mipham Rinpoche

When it comes to the meaning, You should know what is provisional and what is definitive, And rely not on any provisional meaning, But only on the meaning that is true definitively. The omniscient one himself in all his wisdom, Taught according to students’ capacities and intentions, Presenting vehicles of various levels Just like the […]