You must find freedom from disturbing emotions and ego-clinging by constantly examining and investigating your course of experience. Therefore, turn your attention to an object that gives rise to disturbing emotions. Examine carefully whether they arise or not. If they do arise, apply remedies vigorously. Again, look at ego-clinging to see what it is like. If it appears that no ego-clinging is present, examine it again in reference to an object of attachment or aversion. If ego-cherishing then arises, immediately stop it with the remedy of exchanging yourself for others.

Jamgon Kongtrul Lodro Thaye
from the book The Great Path of Awakening
translated by Ken McLeod
Read a random quote or see all quotes by Jamgon Kongtrul Lodro Thaye.
Further quotes from the book The Great Path of Awakening:
- Reducing a god to a demon
- Look right at your mind
- Three limitless seeds of virtue
- Continuing practice into everyday life
- Learn not to cling
- Suffering is the dance of what is