Done right, discipline is taken on joyfully and with a clear understanding of why engaging in it is good. For example, many people nowadays have given up eating meat. Why would we do that? We should not become vegetarian just because someone says we should, or because the Buddha taught that we should not eat meat, or because it is the custom where we live, or because giving up meat would give us a good reputation. If we give up eating meat for these reasons, it might be better not to do it at all, because our decision is not sincerely motivated.
In the beginning, we have a certain feeling about not eating meat. Then we can ask ourselves questions, such as what are the real benefits? After careful consideration, we become certain that this is the right thing to do. Our answer has to come from within, inspired by real conviction, so that when we do give up eating meat, it does not become a hardship or a struggle but something we do with joy and intelligence. It is the same with any discipline in the Vinaya, the Mahayana, or the Vajrayana. Whatever we give up or whatever we do, we should first feel a connection to the practice and then be very clear why we are doing this and not something else. When we act this way, our discipline becomes very inspiring.

17th Karmapa
from the book
translated by Ringu Tulku & Michele Martin
Read a random quote or see all quotes by the 17th Karmapa.
Further quotes from the book Traveling the Path of Compassion :
- Why the Dharma is so important
- Discipline
- The true test of meditation
- Teaching what is really useful
- Seeing what Dharma practice actually is
- Finding real solitude
- Why we need to give up our worldly concerns
- The Greatest Satisfaction
- Giving and Receiving
- Taking advantage of opportunities
- Our Actual Enemy
- Taming Our Mind
- Avoiding criticism
- Putting ourselves in someone else’s place
- Seeing clearly what is genuine and what is false
- Remembering the Lama