Many problems are created in our world today because people do not engage in what will actually lead them onto a path that benefits them and brings happiness. From the time we open our eyes in the morning until we sleep at night, if we can pass the whole day with a kind-hearted mind and cheerful face, on good terms with people and talking pleasantly to them, our mind will be relaxed when we go to sleep at night. On the other hand, if we spend the day making others upset, if we fight, and even if we win, when we are going off to sleep at night we will have regrets and our mind will not be at ease.
17th Karmapa
from the book Music In The Sky: The Life, Art, And Teachings Of The 17Th Karmapa Ogyen Trinley Dorje
translated by Michele Martin
Read a random quote or see all quotes by the 17th Karmapa.
Further quotes from the book Music In The Sky:
- Graduated path
- A Festival of the Field for Gathering Merit
- Pure heart
- The depth of mind free of reference
- The Song of Natural Awareness
- Letting the Sun Shine
- Taking Our Problems and Sufferings as a Support for Our Practice
- Being of Benefit
- Diverting from our true purpose
- Progressing along our way
- Experiencing mental happiness
- Importance of Calm Abiding
- The Mind Is Like Space
- The Peaceful and Calming Victory Flag
- The Remedy Is Meditation
- The Three Kayas
- Remaining in the depths of mind
- Equal nature
- The moon of bliss