The instructions to wish for others’ happiness do not mean that we only make good wishes, because there are situations in which we can actually help others to increase their well-being, to remove their distress and suffering. If we are able to do so, then why hold back? If it is impossible to help them on the spot, that doesn’t mean we can’t give rise to the attitude, “I might not be able to alleviate the suffering of this person in this moment, but when the chance comes later on, may I be able to do so.” We can hope and formulate our wish like that, praying to free others from suffering and to provide them with happiness. Like this we are training our mind to continue responding in a positive way in the future.

Thrangu Rinpoche
from the book The Seven Points of Mind Training
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Further quotes from the book The Seven Points of Mind Training:
- Mahamudra meditation and Mind Training
- Start thinking about impermanence now
- The Buddhist concept of karma