The day you were born, your death began approaching;
People of Tingri, remember: there is never any time to spare.

Padampa Sangye
from the book The Hundred Verses of Advice: Tibetan Buddhist Teachings on What Matters Most
translated by Padmakara Translation Group
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Further quotes from the book The Hundred Verses of Advice:
- Don’t go on following the past
- You will have to go
- The faults within
- The choice is clear
- When you reach the threshold of death
- Have you prepared yourselves a boat
- Putting down the heavy burden once and for all
- The freedom to practice the Dharma
- Free of being caught by anything at all
- Abandon negative friendships
- Being near a spiritual teacher
- Three essential points
- Flying off into the bardo
- Happiness and suffering
- Rather than being trapped by your perceptions
- Contemplating the defects of samsara
- Dwell in the simplicity of the present moment
- Love and compassion for all
- Nothing to be gained or lost
- How illness can teach us compassion