Whether or not you go in a positive direction depends entirely on you. You have to be your own teacher and try to figure out what it takes to accomplish your goals. You have to be your own judge and try to get yourself to do the right thing and stop yourself from doing the wrong thing. Take responsibility for yourself. Only you know your own secrets; no one else can read your mind. If you want to make a change, don’t depend on the help of others without taking any initiative yourself.
17th Karmapa
from the book The Future Is Now: Timely Advice for Creating a Better World
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Further quotes from the book The Future Is Now:
- How to decide
- Reactions
- Our impact on the world
- Advice
- Experiences
- Assessing a religion
- Coexisting in delicate balance
- Use your brain
- Using discernment
- Friends
- Investigation
- True peace
- Intelligence
- Just for the fun of it
- Aspire to great things
- The benefits of dharma
- Living harmoniously with others
- Human life
- Lighten up