We hear a lot about the pain of samsara, and we also hear about liberation. But we don’t hear much about how painful it is to go from being completely stuck to becoming unstuck. The process of becoming unstuck requires tremendous bravery, because basically we are completely changing our way of perceiving reality, like changing our DNA. We are undoing a pattern that is not just our pattern. It’s the human pattern.

Pema Chödron
from the book When Things Fall Apart: Heart Advice for Difficult Times
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Further quotes from the book When Things Fall Apart:
- Exposing ourselves to annihilation
- Negativity begets negativity
- Until we got it
- Fully alive
- Disappointment
- Become Familiar with Fear
- How are you
- Only in our own experience
- The Possibility of Egolessness
- Don’t Set Out to Save the World
- Drive all blames into oneself
- The perfect teacher
- What is in front of us right in the moment
- Flooding the world with your kindness
- No fresh air
- Finding out what is true
- Abandoning hope
- Moving closer to the truth
- Just being here again and again and again