Spirituality is simply a means of arousing one’s spirit, of developing a kind of spiritedness. Through that you begin to have greater contact with reality. You are not afraid of discovering what reality is all about, and you are willing to explore your individual energy. You actually choose to work with the essence of your existence, which could be called genuineness. An interest in spirituality doesn’t mean that you lack something, or that you have developed a black hole in your existence which you are trying to compensate for or cover over with some sort of religious patchwork. It simply means that you are capable of dealing with reality.

Chögyam Trungpa
from the book Ocean of Dharma: The Everyday Wisdom of Chogyam Trungpa
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Further quotes from the book Ocean of Dharma:
- Buddha mind
- Illuminating life
- The beauty of totality
- The natural beauty of meditation
- Restless mind
- Elegance
- Rejoicing whenever there is an obstacle
- Enlightenment Is Irritatingly Possible
- Work of art
- Panoramic awareness in everyday life