You have something in yourself that is fundamentally, basically good. It transcends the notion of good or bad. Something that is worthwhile, wholesome, and healthy exists in all of us. … Such goodness is synonymous with bravery. It is always there. Whenever you see a bright and beautiful color, you are witnessing your own inherent goodness. Whenever you hear a sweet and beautiful sound, you are hearing your own basic goodness. Whenever you taste something sweet or sour, you are experiencing your own basic goodness. … Things like that are always happening to you, but you have been ignoring them, thinking that they are mundane and unimportant, purely coincidences of an ordinary nature. However, it is worthwhile to take advantage of anything that happens to you that has that particular nature of goodness. You begin to realize that there is nonaggression happening all around you in your life, and you are able to feel the freshness of realizing your goodness, again and again.
Chögyam Trungpa
from the book Smile at Fear: Awakening the True Heart of Bravery
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Further quotes from the book Smile at Fear:
- Gentleness toward ourselves
- We Have to Be Honest With Ourselves
- Facing yourself
- An autumn leaf
- Using our intellect to understand life
- Bravery
- Joyful to be here
- Facing ourselves
- We are fundamentally awake
- Cultivating mindfulness
- Becoming the breathing
- Ego finds a name for itself
- Indigestion in the mind
- The strength of fearlessness
- Be there all along
- The warrior is also an artist
- The warrior approach
- Just looking at fear
- Joining fear and uncertainty with genuine confidence