Quote Archives: Longchenpa

The unique uncreated ~ Longchenpa

Pure mind, uniquely uncreated, creates all; everything made has the nature of pure mind and the unique uncreated cannot be contrived. Longchenpa

Be without bias ~ Longchenpa

There might be excellent qualities in striving For learnedness and purity, But whatever we are attached to will only bind the mind stream. ‘To be without bias’ is my advice from the heart. Longchenpa

Remain undistracted ~ Longchenpa

When conceptual thoughts arise, the direct view is crucial; Having examined the mind, to settle it is crucial; Even as there is nothing to meditate on, to meditate is crucial. ‘To remain undistracted’ is my heart advice. Longchenpa

The soaring of the carefree yogin ~ Longchenpa

Hatching from the egg and flying away is like abandoning the corporeal shell in buddhahood; the view of natural perfection is like a great garuda soaring in the empty sky; the carefree yogin soars like a great garuda. Longchenpa

Be frugal ~ Longchenpa

To carry whatever we think necessary to the cave, Statues, offerings, texts, cooking utensils and the like, All hastily gathered together, leads to suffering and dispute. ‘To be frugal’ is my heart advice. Longchenpa

Remain self-reliant ~ Longchenpa

In villages, monasteries, caves and such places — Wherever we might stay — let us not look for close friendship, But with whomever we become acquainted, be neither too intimate nor too hostile. ‘To remain self-reliant’ is my heart advice. Longchenpa

Engage in the two accumulations indivisibly ~ Longchenpa

Dwelling in the state of emptiness, acting according to (the law of) cause and effect; Realizing non-action, keeping the three vows; Without focus, exert yourself in benefitting beings through compassion. ‘To engage in the two accumulations indivisibly’ is my heart advice. Longchenpa

Striving precludes attainment ~ Longchenpa

O great being, listen! We strive in meditation because we desire excellence, but any striving precludes attainment; excellence resides only in timeless self-sprung awareness. Longchenpa

Everything is but an apparition ~ Longchenpa

Since everything is but an apparition, Perfect in being what it is, Having nothing to do with good and bad, Acceptance or rejection, You might as well burst out laughing! Longchenpa