Quote Archives: Padmasambhava

This life passes quickly ~ Padmasambhava

This life passes as quickly as autumn clouds; Family and friends are like passers-by in a market; The demon of death approaches like twilight’s shadows; What the future holds is like a translucent fish in cloudy waters; Life’s experiences are like last night’s dreams; The pleasures of the senses, like an imaginary party. Meaningless activities […]

Hermit ~ Padmasambhava

To be a hermit doesn’t just mean to live in the deep forest; it means that one’s mind is free from dualistic constructs. Padmasambhava

Present in yourself ~ Padmasambhava

This awakened mind of awareness is not made out of any material substance; it is self-existing and inherent in yourself. This is the nature of things that is easy to realize because it is not to be sought for elsewhere. This is the nature of mind that does not consist of a concrete perceiver and […]

Ten foundations of training ~ Padmasambhava

The Master said: When practicing the dharma, you must train perfectly in the ten foundations of training. The lady asked: What are these ten foundations of training? The Master said: You must resolve through the view, gaining understanding of all the teachings, like the garuda bird soaring in the skies. You must find certainty through […]

Just as the moon casts its reflection ~ Padmasambhava

I am present in front of anyone who has faith in me, just as the moon casts its reflection, effortlessly, in any vessel filled with water. Padmasambhava

The country of Dharma ~ Padmasambhava

My father is wisdom and my mother is voidness. My country is the country of Dharma. I am of no caste and no creed. I am sustained by perplexity; And I am here to destroy lust, anger and sloth. Padmasambhava

Your life is running out ~ Padmasambhava

Your mind, the primordial buddha, Searches elsewhere due to the power of desire. Doesn’t it notice that it is wandering in samsara? Now that you have obtained the precious human body, You continuously get carried away by mundane actions. Don’t you notice that your life is running out? Padmasambhava

Remain within your inner nature ~ Padmasambhava

A hundred things may be explained, a thousand told, But one thing only should you grasp. Know one thing and everything is freed – Remain within your inner nature, your awareness! Padmasambhava

The vast expanse of primordial pure nature ~ Padmasambhava

Son, after realizing the things of this world are unreal, There is little benefit in dwelling in solitude. When the falsehoods of phenomenal appearances have collapsed into their own nature (emptiness), And the unaltered nature of phenomena has been recognized – Do not nit-pick the subtle concepts of grasping and grasped Or attach to the […]

Gain mastery over your mind! ~ Padmasambhava

You may possess the power and might of a world ruler, but unless you gain mastery over your own mind, when the time of death arrives you still haven’t attained the power of freedom. So gain mastery over your mind! Padmasambhava

Diligence ~ Padmasambhava

To be diligent doesn’t mean to engage in various restless activities; it means to exert oneself in the means of leaving samsaric existence behind. Padmasambhava

Meditator ~ Padmasambhava

To be a meditator doesn’t simply mean to live in a cave; it means to train oneself in the true meaning [of the natural state]. Padmasambhava

Protection 24/7 ~ Padmasambhava

I am never far from those with faith, Or even those without it, Though they do not see me. My children will always, Always, Be protected by my compassion. Padmasambhava

Abandoning laziness for which life has no time ~ Padmasambhava

Kyema! Now when the bardo of this life is dawning upon me, I will abandon laziness for which life has no time, Enter, undistracted, the path of study, reflection and meditation, Making perceptions and mind the path, and realize the three kayas; Now that for once I have attained a human body, This is not […]

Life flows away, inexorably ~ Padmasambhava

As a river rushes to the sea, As the sun and moon glide across the mountains of the west, As days and nights, hours and moments flee, Life flows away, inexorably. Padmasambhava

The union of samsara and nirvana ~ Padmasambhava

When samsaric existence is freed in itself, there is no awakened state to accomplish apart form that. Once you realize this, samsara and nirvana are not two. Padmasambhava

Why not practice now ~ Padmasambhava

Without thinking that death will come, I am absorbed in plans for the future. After having done the many and futile activities of this life I will leave utterly empty-handed. What a blunder; as I will certainly need an understanding of the excellent dharma. So why not practice now? Padmasambhava

Although ~ Padmasambhava

Although your realization is equal to that of the buddhas’, make offerings to the Three Jewels. Although you have gained mastery over your mind, direct your innermost aims towards the Dharma. Although the nature of the Great Perfection is supreme, don’t disparage other teachings. Although you have realized that buddhas and sentient beings are equal, […]

Investigate the root of mind! ~ Padmasambhava

Don’t investigate the root of things, Investigate the root of mind! Once the mind’s root has been found, You’ll know one thing, yet all is thereby freed. But if the root of mind you fail to find, You will know everything but nothing understand. Padmasambhava

Degenerate age ~ Padmasambhava

When the degenerate age of this aeon arrives, people are their own deceivers, their own bad counsel, the makers of their own stupidity, lying to and fooling themselves. How sad that these people have human forms but possess no more sense than an ox! Padmasambhava