We need other possibilities for understanding who we are as individuals. On a personal level, exploring what it means to be an interdependent individual allows us to stop living at odds with reality. As we gain a more realistic understanding of who we are and how we are interconnected, our lives can become much more satisfying and meaningful.
In other words, “interdependent individual” is not a contradiction. Far from being an oxymoron, this term can be a powerful guide leading us to take better charge of our own lives.
17th Karmapa
from the book
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Further quotes from the book Interconnected :
- Individualism or interdependence
- A genuine sense of affection
- The power of our senses
- Gratitude
- Self-discipline
- The full vividness of direct contact
- Dismantling the walls that separate us
- Inner conditions of interdependence
- You exist in connection with others
- Extend yourself and connect
- The opportunity to love
- Remaining indifferent to the suffering of animals
- Time to act
- Our life is like a vast net
- The air we breathe
- Extending gratitude in all directions
- The imagination to see the other as free and happy
- An important source of closeness and love
- Knowing more is not a substitute for feeling more
- Self-reliance