Our buddha heart contains certain qualities, which we could call our true buddha genes. We all possess these particular buddha genes. Isn’t it strange to say that the mind has genes? But it turns out to be true. These buddha genes have two characteristics: They are able to see through and not be afraid of the reality of the phenomenal world. Second, these genes also contain gentleness; they are ever so loving, which goes beyond just being kind. They are extremely tender and absolutely free from any form of aggression. They are so soft and kind.

Chögyam Trungpa
from the book The Heart of the Buddha: Entering the Tibetan Buddhist Path
Read a random quote or see all quotes by Chögyam Trungpa.
Further quotes from the book The Heart of the Buddha:
- Shedding our covers
- Egohood
- Intellect and Intuition
- Freedom from egohood
- The Dawn of Enlightenment
- We put lids on ourselves
- Nothing to blame
- Acknowledging our fixations
- Supreme Example
- Now that is happening
- Giving the giver
- To trust completely and let go
- Looking at Who We Are
- Touch-and-go
- Vajra nature