The dawn of enlightenment could be described as a form of absorption. But it is not a trancelike state in which one loses contact with the world around one. It is a sense of totality and a sense of openness which does not seem to have any beginning or end.

Chögyam Trungpa
from the book The Heart of the Buddha: Entering the Tibetan Buddhist Path
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Further quotes from the book The Heart of the Buddha:
- Acknowledging our fixations
- Supreme Example
- Now that is happening
- Giving the giver
- To trust completely and let go
- Our buddha genes
- Shedding our covers
- Egohood
- Intellect and Intuition
- Freedom from egohood
- We put lids on ourselves
- Nothing to blame
- Looking at Who We Are
- Touch-and-go
- Vajra nature