One’s relationship with the vajra master involves surrendering oneself to the teacher as the final expression of egolessness. This allows the practitioner to develop fully the threefold vajra nature: vajra body, vajra speech, vajra mind. The maturation of devotion into complete surrendering is called ‘lote lingkyur’ in Tibetan. Lote means ‘trust,’ ling means ‘completely,’ and kyur means ‘abandoning’ or ‘letting go.’ So lote lingkyur means ‘to trust completely and let go’ – to abandon one’s ego completely. Without such surrender, there is no way to give up the last vestiges of your ego; nor could the teacher introduce the yidam, the essence of egolessness. In fact, without such devotion to the teacher, one might attempt to use the vajrayana teachings to rebuild the fortress of ego.
Chögyam Trungpa
from the book The Heart of the Buddha: Entering the Tibetan Buddhist Path
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Further quotes from the book The Heart of the Buddha:
- Supreme Example
- Now that is happening
- Giving the giver
- Our buddha genes
- Shedding our covers
- Egohood
- Intellect and Intuition
- Freedom from egohood
- The Dawn of Enlightenment
- We put lids on ourselves
- Nothing to blame
- Acknowledging our fixations
- Looking at Who We Are
- Touch-and-go
- Vajra nature