It is as if we were extraordinary children, possessing all sorts of genius, and we were being undermined by the society around us, which was dying to make us normal people. Whenever we would show any mark of genius, our parents would get embarrassed and try to put the lid on. I don’t particularly want to blame our parents alone; we have also been doing this to ourselves. When we see something extraordinary, we are afraid to say so; we are afraid to express ourselves. So we put lids on ourselves — on our potential, our capabilities. But in Buddhism we are liberated from that kind of conventionality.

Chögyam Trungpa
from the book The Heart of the Buddha: Entering the Tibetan Buddhist Path
Read a random quote or see all quotes by Chögyam Trungpa.
Further quotes from the book The Heart of the Buddha:
- Nothing to blame
- Acknowledging our fixations
- Supreme Example
- Now that is happening
- Giving the giver
- To trust completely and let go
- Our buddha genes
- Shedding our covers
- Egohood
- Intellect and Intuition
- Freedom from egohood
- The Dawn of Enlightenment
- Looking at Who We Are
- Touch-and-go
- Vajra nature