Our life’s work is to use what we have been given to wake up. If there were two people who were exactly the same — same body, same speech, same mind, same mother, same father, same house, same food, everything the same — one of them could use what he has to wake up and the other could use it to become more resentful, bitter, and sour. It doesn’t matter what you’re given, whether it’s physical deformity or enormous wealth or poverty, beauty or ugliness, mental stability or mental instability, life in the middle of a madhouse or life in the middle of a peaceful, silent desert. Whatever you’re given can wake you up or put you to sleep. That’s the challenge of now: What are you going to do with what you have already — your body, your speech, your mind?
Pema Chödron
from the book The Wisdom of No Escape and the Path of Loving Kindness
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Further quotes from the book The Wisdom of No Escape and the Path of Loving Kindness:
- Just your interpretation of reality
- Share well-being
- Use your life
- Clinging to truth
- You’re always in the middle of the universe
- Befriending who we are
- A magical golden key
- Meeting our edge
- Who we are right now
- A little twist
- Just as we are
- Seeing clearly
- Get rid of heaven and hell
- Nurturing ourselves
- A proper cup of tea