There is much to be said for sensory experiences as a way to feel our personal interconnectedness in a vivid and unmediated way. As our senses open, our heart is moved. This direct experience evokes affection and affection, and that leads naturally to wanting to nurture and protect our planet.
17th Karmapa
from the book
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Further quotes from the book Interconnected :
- Cultivating a spirit of generosity
- The impulse to connect
- Viewing others through the lens of interdependence
- Interdependent individual
- Bringing about real change in the world
- Experiencing connection rather than isolation
- Discovering new potentials
- Focusing on our inner interdependence
- Recollecting kindness
- Individualism or interdependence
- A genuine sense of affection
- Gratitude
- Self-discipline
- The full vividness of direct contact
- Dismantling the walls that separate us
- Inner conditions of interdependence
- You exist in connection with others
- Extend yourself and connect
- The opportunity to love