Make every effort on the path, uniting absolute and relative bodhichitta. This distils the essence of all the sutras and the tantras. The subduing of one’s own mind is the root of Dharma. When the mind is controlled, defilements naturally subside.

Dudjom Rinpoche
from the book Counsels from My Heart
Read a random quote or see all quotes by Dudjom Rinpoche.
Further quotes from the book Counsels from My Heart:
- The most profound of all Buddha’s teaching
- The seven sublime riches
- Don’t waste your time
- Investigate the root of mind!
- An Aspiration to The Great Perfection
- Dealing with thoughts in meditation
- Keep a middle course
- Gaining certainty
- Introduction to the nature of mind
- Remaining in the nakedness of ultimate reality
- Be without regret
- The Essence of the Path
- Remain within your inner nature