Sit quietly for a few minutes and become mindful of your breath as it goes in and out. Then contemplate what you do when you’re unhappy or dissatisfied and want to feel better. Even make a list if you want to. Then ask yourself: Does it work? Has it ever worked? Does it soothe the pain? Does it escalate the pain? If you’re really honest, you’ll come up with some pretty interesting observations.

Pema Chödron
from the book Living Beautifully with Uncertainty and Change
Read a random quote or see all quotes by Pema Chödron.
Further quotes from the book Living Beautifully with Uncertainty and Change:
- The real cause of our suffering
- Beyond our comfort zone
- The mandala of our life
- Just our personal viewpoint
- We Have a Choice
- Difficult relationships
- Groundlessness
- Holding a diversity party in our living room
- Building Inner Strength
- A Wall of Truth
- Unfettered mind
- Stepping-stones for awakening our compassion
- Everything and everyone is in process
- Forever in flux
- Embracing the groundlessness of our situation
- The knack of refraining
- The detox period
- Renouncing one thing
- Practicing with Strong Emotions